Bamboo Interactive

Privacy Policy states how your data is collected, stored and used when you interact with our Services. This policy concern all our applications and games released under the developer account “Bamboo Interactive“.We request you(User) to read this policy very carefully and if you agree to this Policy then only use our apps or games otherwise we request not to install any of these apps or games. Term Product is used for “Apps and Games” for this particular privacy policy.

Information Collected by “Bamboo Interactive”:
We know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy very seriously that’s why we do not collect any type of personal information from any user of “Bamboo Interactive“.

We only collect Nonpersonal information that is relevant to the purpose of our Apps Or Games. This information allows us to provide you with a customized and efficient experience. We collect the following types of information from our Users and Players.

For continuous free service and provide smooth and bug-free experience to our users we use Ad Serving technology in our products for revenue purposes. so our product may contain advertisements.

Our product is developed in some circumstances where some sensitive permissions may be asked from users.
For the proper functioning of our product, we request our users to accept those sensitive permissions.
We only ask for those permissions which are necessary for that particular product and so read before accepting any permissions.
Sensitive permissions includes device camera usage, Mobile Device Gallery Permission, Storage Read and Write Permission and more.

Personal Data Storage, Trading, Sharing with any third parties is strictly prohibited for us. However, the non-Personal data collected by our product usage can be stored for any further product service improvement or destroyed.
This Nonpersonal data includes data like IMEI number, Mac Address, Gps Access, IP Address, Device Operating system version. This data is totally non-identifiable and kept very confidential by “Bamboo Interactive“.
Ad Serving companies may collect non-Personal data for analytics purposes.

Policy Updates
This Policy can be updated anytime so we request our users to review this policy on regular time intervals.
For any suggestions Do contact us at our Email:-

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